Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Another Late Night 'Six Feet Under' Quote...

(The following is said by one of the quirkiest characters to ever work at the Fisher as Diaz Funeral home...)

"I love intimacy, intimacy is my friend..." -Arthur


Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's Late Out

And it's late in here, well here where I am...

Brother & Sisters is on and it's a marathon so this means I am in trouble.  I just need to go out and buy the series.  

Photography is going well and I am in the midst of packing for my big move of myself and the company.  

A guy tried starting a fight with me via twitter the other day.  It was pretty much squashed when I pointed out he miss quoted my tweet and should go back and read it.  I'm sure he did as I received an email 30 min later saying he was a new "follower."  People crack me up.

All the while I continue to grow ARG IMAG Photography I am still continuing to practice regularly 2 days a week my yoga practice.  I'm about to start 3-4 times a week.  I want to be certified to teach yoga part time when I am not taking photo's of beautiful muses.  I co-teach at the gym I attend from time to time.  It's been the best!

I bought new running shoes today... Nothing huge except they are not identical.  Oh don't worry it's purposely done by ADIDAS.  I could share a picture of them but I am too lazy to set it up and then upload and post it.  Maybe next time.

I'm signed up for WPPI once again.  It's the most important thing I have ever done for my photo business and I'm excited to do it again.  Along with this I will be attending a party called, Airplanes & Blazers.  Some respectable photogs in the industry that I have had the pleasure of meeting are co hosts of it and I've learned it's very badass.  I just bought my ticket to the party.  But don't worry I'm excited to learn at WPPI not just party.  

Yeah, I think I'm going to bed now...


Monday, January 9, 2012

A Year Of Learning

'What's Wrong With Me?'
-Julia Stone

(Disclaimer: I have chosen to speak very frankly below.  By doing so you may feel offended and angry. Just know I wish you peace as there is no time to truly be angry in your day at the words and thoughts I choose to share.  I mean you no harm and hate, just that we are of different paths now and that is ok.)

Dear Readers of 'The Gawduner,'

When things happen in ones own life that cause a inner reflection at what they really want out of their life things begin to change.  Things can change for good or even bad.

As I have said in the past 2011 became a pivotal year for me, and it was a good one in the end.

I accomplished my goal of distancing my self from the constant addiction of Facebook except in regards to the ARG IMAG Photography page which needed keep up for my business.  I experienced a once thought to be a budding relationship turn to dust over night (Literally), which later turned out to be one of the biggest plays I've ever been through.  (And I've been played before.)  I experienced the forced loss of a job and the luck of being offered a job all because of the impact I have left on people around me.  I gained a powerful recharge in my photography that has taken me light years of where I was this time last year.  A charge in the way I look and practice physical health was embraced this past year, I have never looked nor felt better.  I have also experienced the sifting of friends and finding those that have stayed close to me even when they live miles, city's and states away.  I have also started new friendships by the common connection of simple iPhone apps and love of music.  During that same time with friendships I have greatly learned that several I called friends in my own town were not such.  It was more of a friendship of convenience, one in which they took and gave when they felt inclined.  And if I did not do the "keeping in contact 100% of the time" it was my fault I was not part of parties or get togethers (just a heads up a phone works two ways and there are many ways to contact me other than phone.)  I experienced a look at my own beliefs and religious beliefs, and just where I stand in regards to them.  And I experienced a dark and deep depression.

I am not bitter for any of the things I learned and went through in 2011.  I thank those who helped me in depression and despair, sometimes even making sure I was actually eating.

My Family

I take to 2012 with this new mind.  Full of knowledge and ability to accomplish greater things than ever before.  My blogging may pick back up and it may not.  I have chosen to live my life doing what I like and enjoying my passions.  This means the pull of the inter-webs to blog and Facebook my every moment, unless for photography related items, may be infrequent.  But do check back from time to time.  You have not heard the last of me :)

'The Memory Machine'
-Julia Stone
