Sunday, April 18, 2010

I'll Show You It

So the winner of the Beta naming contest, Karyn made this crazy cool picture of the little guy. She took one of the photo's I posted for naming inspiration and made this...

Rockin' awesome job Karyn. I recommend checking out her blog it is always a good read!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ohh The Sweet Gem

While I look around society and find my next controversy to blog on I thought I would bring you some sort of wonder and amazement. I know you'll love it Trudi!

I love the fact that this was created! Oh how much I love Howard the Duck. They even used the tune of a church hymn in the movie. I'm pretty sure I heard the church song, 'All Creatures of Our God and King' in the movie. However this song is not that song. In fact you'll love this even more.


The Chicken Dinner Winner

'I Love LA'
-Randy Newman

Well I wont bore you with countless stories of how I had a tough choice and how I had to play rock, paper, scissors to find the winner of my Beta Fish contest. Instead I am just going to announce the winner....


Motley Chromatic the Third
by Karyn

There were many awesome choices but this one just did it the most. Andrew from facebook was a close runner up with the name of: Angelwitch. Maybe if there ever is another fish that will be the name.

So the name of the little guy will be Motley Chromatic the 3rd Gawdun

I will go for now. The lucky winner will be featured here on this very blog once she has been photographed with her and her prize. Check back soon!

Thanks to all the entered!

'Modern Nature'
-Sondre Lerche


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Plastic Bottles

Many questions have been flooding my way in regards to the scholarship competition that I entered back on the first week of March. Well here's what I can tell you... I have neither won nor lost. :-) The official results don't come out till early June. However you can all still wish, pray, bow to Buddah, wear the Kabbalah bracelet or what ever you may to pass positive thoughts my way in regards to it.

I'm also waiting to hear back on the chance to go to Nepal. Oh yeah if there are those of you who are saying "Nepal, SAY WHAT?!" Yeah I submitted a application to help out on the week long service project in late October/early November in the wonderful country of Nepal. I have much less time to wonder if I get to go, unlike the scholarship, only 1-2 weeks. I'll keep you posted on that.

Hmmm, what else? I am flying to Reno in August for a wedding and the chance to video-graph it. I'm excited. It's the wedding of two great friends, Kim and John. All I have to say to you two if your reading this is bout time. Y'all we were only dating F-O-R-E-V-E-R.... (You know I'm joshing you.) ;-)

On a side note I know it's only a matter of time till St. George get's out earthquake. I can't wait and will tweet it when it happens!


'Your Heart Is An Empty Heart'
-Death Cab For Cutie


Monday, April 12, 2010


I figured out the culprit behind my mystery tampon leavers! If you know not what I am talking about then please go to this link...

So There I Am... (that is the link just click it)

I had a feeling on who the culprit was and it turns out I was right. Saturday I went to the Clark County Fair, in Logandale, NV. I went with my head bartender and hair cuttin lady Emily and her family.

I wont use this post to talk about the fair or post some photo's from it I will use an upcoming post for that.

As we were heading back to the cars somehow it came up on the subject of tampons and I said... "hey that reminds me someone put one of those of my car a few weeks ago." They burst out laughing and joked about how they decided that is they new calling card they will leave on peoples cars. However only those they like.

Case closed... It was Emily and Maggie her sister. Man I should be a Private Detective or something like that.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Update on Lazy Gen Y

OK my latest post has created quite the buzz with people I know. I appreciate all the comments and personal opinions. This blog is just another outlet for people to hear my never ending vocalized thoughts.

Now to clear up something that was brought to my attention... In my last post when I talked about not understanding when people go into debt to buy a home I need to clear this up.

I believe that buying a house WILL put you in debt. However I DO NOT agree with people going to buy a house when they CAN NOT afford to. I know that most people can't go and put a full house payment and call it good, but I don't understand why people can't wait and save up and the when they ARE stable going to buy a home. So I am not saying it is bad to buy a house, just that when you go into serious debt because you can't afford it in the first place.

BUT, don't think this is a "I'm sorry, I take it back" blog post. I don't take back what I say or post unless I know it is wrong.

(Kali that was mainly for you so you know I speak the same lingo as you do. :-) )



Before I get into the main reason for this blog I have to tell you that watching SNL with special host Tina Fey is hysterical. I love her Sarah Palin act. She is soo funny.

But I'm not here to talk about conservative impersonations, I'm actually here to talk about something I heard and since hearing it have witnessed it in real life.

Last Saturday was General Conference. However I also had a photo shoot to attend to during this, so on the way to and fro I listened to it on NPR here in town. Between sessions I caught a discussion regarding a study that was written by a former Boston Journalist about my generation (the Y Generaton, also know as the current 19-29 somethings.) In this study they were researching the work ethics of generations that are currently in the work field. There was something said in this NPR broadcast that never hit me before. "The millennial generation — about 50 million people between ages 18 and 29 — is the only age group in the nation that doesn’t cite work ethic as one of its “principal claims to distinctiveness,” according to a new Pew Research Center study..."

I fully agree with this statement! I would also go as far to say that most people in this age group will not do something unless it is to benefit them alone and not a whole company. They are more out to get what they need in the long run. After hearing this NPR story I began to think about people I go to church with, work with, hang with, and of course myself. A great deal of these people are only out to help themselves. What can this do for me RIGHT now? I also feel the term "I'm entitled because I studied in college," "came from so and so family," "I shouldn't have to work for what my parents have," etc etc. I could list the phrases and thoughts for hours, but you can't keep kicking a dead horse hoping he will respond...HE IS DEAD.

As I contemplated myself I noticed times in my life where I acted this way of me me me. It made me sick. I have always been a hard working, responsible person (I'm not trying to toot my horn and sound like prideful jerk). Proof of this would have to come from the fact that I have been told that by employers and church leaders. So is it a curse that I am stuck with? Must I feel and announce that work is not the most important thing to me? Heck no! I know and understand that to get where my parents and grandparents are I have to work for it. Of all the things I see, young people going into debt to buy a house, car, boat, 4 wheeler, etc just because they had them growing up and feel they "deserve it" makes me throw up in my mouth. I am not afraid to say (and I may have posted this before) that when I go and get married we will not be buying a house right away. I would rather rent and repair broken pipes by doing it myself than go broke by "saying" I can afford it or hiring someone else to do it. {So ladies if you have liked me and this now makes you not like me you can move on I have no desire for you.} I do understand that there are A FEW select people in the 19-29 year current age that can afford right away these things and to them I say good luck.

I also know that sometimes we have to turn jobs down for various reasons but when you are complaining about not having work or money and you go and turn down a job because they wouldn't give you that large figure check right off the bat that YOU THINK you deserve makes me extremely disgusted in you. GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND WORK FOR YOUR FUTURE. Once you have worked for it you will appreciate it.

Go and click that link from above to read the article spoken of in NPR and the bases of this post. You may think twice about your life.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

And Their Off!

Ok here it is. The first ever reader and Gawdun interaction hoopla.

Yesterday I made a living purchase. I purchased a Crowntail Betta. I know how childish of me, but as always stated, this is Gawdun your are reading about and he doesn't generally play by normal rules. Anyways... Here lies the fun...

Giving of a Name.

I have some names in mind, such as: F Stop, Chirp, and Tahoe (due to his blue coloring). These are just my ideas. Now for the next week I turn the mic over to you. Over the next week post in the comments a name or as many names as you can think of. HOWEVER there are rules and regulations...

1) Know your audience (that's me). Meaning what do you know about me, Gawdun, socially or one on one? I tweet, photograph, dig me some Gaga (not her new video thought, that was scan-do-lous), watch Roseanne late at night, and etc.
2) Human names do NOT count. This means no names you would hear in a group of people. I will not consider it one moment.
3) The more creative the more of a chance I will gravitate to that name.
4) You have till next Thursday April 15, 2010 @ 5pm pacific time to enter.
5) Oh and one other thing. Posting your name idea on my blog, DM tweets and postings on the facebook page that had the link you clicked on to get here are the the only way I will take entries. I will not accept text or vocal entries. I wont even consider them this is a fun blog adventure. So play along please. :-)

That is it, no other rules. The selected name and winner will be announced next Friday, April 16th, 2010. The winner will also be mailed a special prize worth winning. Now here is a few shots of the guy.

'Shine Right Through'


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Da Plane da plane!

Well this will be short. Starting tomorrow, April 8, 2010, I will be holding a contest of sorts on this blog for one week. It will need reader participation. Winner receives something nice. So check back tomorrow for the contest!

I'll make sure you all are aware of the posting through social sites such as Twitter and Facebook. (no myspace though)


Sunday, April 4, 2010

How's My Flash?

As many of you read in the past few posts I was and am a big supporter of Earth Hour. (refer to past post 1 and 2) My family also supports this grand cause. This year we participated in a couple fun rounds of Uno Attack and all this is done by candle light. Along with my little brother, mother and I, we had the neighbor over and two friends of mine over, Karyn and Susi. After we partook of this glorious game of alliances and deceiving each other we took some night photo's using our little LED lanterns. (I understand several of you may wonder why we had a LED lantern when we were supposed to be in the dark. Well flashlights are ok, it's using electricity and turing the lights out that Earth Hour tries to make people aware of.)

Here is the result of our LED light work... I'm learning to use a new Mac photo editing software called Pixelmator so this is not the best photo stitched image. You'll get over it I'm sure , if not that is your fault. :-)

I felt that Earth Hour would not be complete without a special candle so I made a quick trip to the local Dollar Store and picked it up. I won't lie when I say that it seemed to complete the darkness, what do you think?

Hope everyone is having fun this conference weekend !!!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

They Tell Me...

I receive these daily emails from and how happy most of them make me. Well here is the word from April 1st (by the way I am saddened that NOT 1 person attempted to prank me. I am hurt)... Rick Rolled Reflex

It led me to the term of Rick Roll, which I never once heard or experienced.

I won't 'rick roll' you all I'll just post the video that the Urban Dictionary talks about. However this leads a whole new idea to me...

Oh and remember when VH1 did that awesome show called, "Pop Up Video"? Well this video is from that show so enjoy the classic and laughs that tie with it...

You have to click the link as I can't embed the video on my blog..

Funny stuff huh!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

With a Tweed Coat

For the second time I saw Sherlock Holmes in theaters. I went with my brother back in January and then some friends tonight. (yes I realize we could have just rented it but it was only a $2.00 charge. Thanks be to the $2.00 screens. Either way it is a great movie. Funny and in my book well acted. It is much amazing how rehab will help some celebrities careers, case in point Robert Downey Jr.

Go watch it!
