Monday, April 12, 2010


I figured out the culprit behind my mystery tampon leavers! If you know not what I am talking about then please go to this link...

So There I Am... (that is the link just click it)

I had a feeling on who the culprit was and it turns out I was right. Saturday I went to the Clark County Fair, in Logandale, NV. I went with my head bartender and hair cuttin lady Emily and her family.

I wont use this post to talk about the fair or post some photo's from it I will use an upcoming post for that.

As we were heading back to the cars somehow it came up on the subject of tampons and I said... "hey that reminds me someone put one of those of my car a few weeks ago." They burst out laughing and joked about how they decided that is they new calling card they will leave on peoples cars. However only those they like.

Case closed... It was Emily and Maggie her sister. Man I should be a Private Detective or something like that.

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