Monday, December 15, 2008

So Let's See That Family

Don't worry i am not going to grip in this email like past ones. Instead I am going to showcase some pictures of the family...So until I run off and have my own family (prob not for a few moons) I will share with you all the family I am part of right now. One of the brothers...David

My sarcastic Sister Alycia, Mother Joanie in black and Lucas the newly ordained Deacon. Oh don't forget me in the background trying to amke a new fashion statement with the tie "OUTSIDE" the sweater. Ohh Im such a rebel...

My sister and and I decided to be like them lame brain Black Firday shoppers and lined up outside Best Buy at 3:30am this year. I know you can call us idiots. However we were in and out of the store with our purchase in less than 30 minutes once the store opened at 5am. So while others waited in lines because they didn't shop til later that day maybe you are the lame brains. Hmmmmm....

Lucas sure loves his chinese buffet lines. "C'mon boy pile that right up there now!"

Whelp that will be all for now, I would like to admit thought the quality of these pictures is not my best. However in my defence they were all taken with my cell phone camera.

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