Friday, July 24, 2009

The Complaint of Liars

'Mama Said Knock You Out'
-LL Cool J

I have this addiction to that song from above. No clue why, well let's be honest I'm all up in your face so, "don't call it a comeback I been here for years!"

Now that that's out of my system.

I found a compliant at work that was from a guest of mine. The short version of the story is the customer lied and shortened the truth because they were mad we didn't have clam chowder and I wasn't at there beck and call due to the fact that I had other tables. I could say alot of mean things but I will hold back, and be the bigger person. I have decided though that some people are just gonna be rude and insane. Thus I doubt I will ever work in a restaurant ever again. Too much to handle dealing with people when they just don't care about other people. I'd rather do volunteer work any day compared to this. ALAS I am grateful that I have work when some don't.

*grumble grumble

'730 Days'
-PuSHBoX (local band from Reno that kicks all music booty, check them out on myspace)


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