A month ago I began working on an update for my photography portfolio and I finally have it viewable for the public. Please check it out and let me know what you think.
PS: Maybe you want to book a session as well while you are there. PSS: A Holiday special will be posted by Friday so keep checking the site for news and info.
Well I back after my rockin awesome weekend in LA chasing graves and art museums with Roxie and Ruben, two of the high school friends I still chat with regularly (except Molly is part of that category) from my Reno high school days. I have loads of pictures to share with you but I am still sorting through them. until I post them and tell of my trip/work event I want to post about my love of Halloween.
So my costume idea changed once I went to Dia de los Meurtos (Day of the Dead) in LA this last weekend. Instead I went tonight to the singles dance/corn maze as the above photo. Can I just tell you that Christmas is my all time favorite holiday but then Halloween is the next favorite. Growing up we were not allowed to dress up and trick or treat as the Pentecostal church we belonged to programed us to believe it was Evil and full of SATAN worship. Well once we moved to Reno from Colorado after my parents divorced we soon started to participate and it became my favorite time of the year, like I said after Christmas.
I got a 4 minute lecture at the corn maze that "it's nice you painted your face but you can't scare any kids. We have families that are out there to and if you scare anyone you will be kicked out and asked to not come back for the entire nite." I told her I had no intentions of this but she practically repeated it again to me. I understand but like I told my friends I wonder how long she and her coworkers debated who would tell me and what to tell me. Let's just say she must have drawn the shortest straw and she made me laugh. Thanks farm girl of St. George I got a good laugh tonight.
I love that I can "legally," in terms of the mental hospital people dress up and be whoever or whatever I want for the month of October. Yes I said the 'MONTH.' Granted I usually only go out and dress up the week leading up to the 31st. Seriously I want to hold a costume party at least once every quarter next year! I think that will be fun! So here I am going to the store after the event tonight and the kid bagging my groceries asked me if I thought it was too early to dress up. I told him proudly no and that this whole month is Halloween and you can have multiple parties. Well the lady behind the register must not agree with this All Hallows Eve as she said "it sure does bring out everyone and all kinds." She said it sarcastically and bothered. I'm sorry don't rain on my parade!
Here are my rules and issues in regards to Halloween.
1. Whatever Asian/black/Indian girl I marry she has to love this holiday. No pooping out on this time. It's fun get into it and have some fun!
2. Watch the Roseanne Halloween specials. I freakn love them, especially the first few, classic!
3. Host a party and make it good.
4. Don't be cheap on the candy you hand out.
5. When buying a house check to see if there alot of kids in the area. That way if you don't want to hand out candy you can choose not to live there. Let someone who wants to participate live there. Otherwise I may teach my future kids to egg your kinds of houses. (Gawdun's don't get caught)
6. Trick or treat. If your too old take some one who isn't, this is good if you aren't having or invited to a party. You can still dress up. Last year was the first Halloween I was part of after the mission and even though I knew nobody I still took my brother out and dressed up. I went as the high school version of the joker who was also on the croquet team pre villain days.
Well that is my rules and thoughts on this time of year. Go out and have some fun!
So if many of you recall I have the best, and by best I mean rudest customers at times. It has been awhile since I had something to show my readers but I finally got something. Let me set up the night. As a night bartender we are not allowed to leave the bar area so I was over all the bar tables and the bar top last Friday night. So there I am busy as I had a birthday dinner group, two tables come in of 4 people and mixed with 4 people that are at my bar top. I have this couple, and by couple I mean a boy and a girl who were only 22 and 24. They tooooookkkkk FOOOOORRREEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRRR to order and were very picky. Then they took days to order drinks. Next once there food came out they needed every sauce under the sun and extra pickles. SO I along with my manager were running like crazies for this table. The best part is the guy was already high on something with his eyes being all puffy and red and he would whisper everything he needed. I literally would have to be 12 inches from his face if not 10 inches. I handed them their checks and over heard them talking about who had the money and the guy said he had spent all his on clothes that day and she almost did too. So I knew exactly where this was going. They got real quite when I gave them their change from the $50 they paid with. They guys left to the restroom and the girl sat around. So finally they escape and I go and look at this little note that is wrapped around what turns out to be a $2.35 tip...
Oh this makes me laugh. I was not even mad due to the fact that yes I knew what was to happen after that conversation I over heard and ALL the rest of my tables were loving me at the time this table was in there. They will get theirs is all I have to say. Man alive this is great! I love how detailed it is and how funny it sounds. Come one at least tell me "Tip for the Day" bwahahahahaha
Well I am gonna run got things to do before work but thought you might enjoy this Ruby Tuesday story...
Well instead of a wrap up in pictures from this week I thought I would post the most ridiculous news stories this week...
1. "Balloon Boy" - Need I say more on how ridiculous this has become. Yeah I was fearful that there was a boy trapped in the UFO shaped balloon as we watched the news unfold live on TV. However once it all finished and then we find out he was in the attic it got lame. Then the boy tell us live on Larry King to his parents that "we did it for the show." What a circus it became. The latest was tonight and finding out there will be charges made to the father but the details were not spoken yet.
2. A Justice of the Peace in Louisiana this week refused to marry an interracial couple.- All I have to say is, no wonder we will never truly leave the debate of racism and red-necks. "It's kind of hard to apologize for something that you really and truly feel down in your heart you haven't done wrong," Keith Bardwell told CNN affiliate WAFB on Saturday. This guy makes me sick and I agree he needs to step down!
3. Fat Barbie?- Yes this was in the news this week, French shoe designer Christian Louboutin made the comment that Barbie's classic figure was not very flattering and that she has fat ankles. BWAHAHAHAHAA. They to begin with are only 55mm in size. How is that fat? But once again this is a french man who said this...need I say more?
These are the 3 top "Are You Kidding Me" that I feel we need to discuss. Talk amongst yourselves I have given you 3 topics. I would love to hear what you all are thinking regarding this so don't be shy post a comment.
And on a movie review note 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane,' starring Joan Crawford and Betty Davis is simply INSANE!!! I'll tell you what these 1960's movies are down right crazy too! In our time of movies it's all about the blood and guts but we really don't need it for a movie to be a spook ride.
6 days till Friday and then L.A. here I come!
PS: If you want to see a horrible and I DO MEAN HORRIBLE SNL musical act performance I recommend you check out tonights guest on youtube. Shakira sang and her live performance of 'She Wolf' was ridiculous. I laughed more at that performance than the rest of the show, although the Weekend Update' was hysterical tonight!
Quit possibly my favorite song of the year would have to be the one I have listed above!! I have followed the actress Juliette Lewis turned rock stars music career since it began in 2005. This solo album of her's is AMAZING. 'Suicide Dive Bombers' is going to make a great first dance wedding song!
Tonight I had the most random thing happen at the grocery store. So Im there on the phone heading to the check out line and this girl comes and cuts me off and steps in front of me! I could not believe what I was seeing! Of course my mouth would not stay shut. I called her out to the person I was on the phone with. I'm about 4 feet from her so I know she heard me. Not once did the girl turn and make response or anything! Not that it would have shut me up. I still can not believe it.
It could have turned out to be like the time a few weeks ago when we went to see my brother get married and I was leaving the gas stations bathroom and this guy was directly behind me and had no intentions to wash his hands till I sang a little tune called, "wash yo hands, wash yo hands," I even wave my hands. He heard me all right and after he did so he confronted me in front of the cold drink doors and told me he doesn't pee on his hands when he uses the loo. (I added the word loo, the guy was a truck driver and most probably never heard of that term.) I told him it was still sanitary and nasty! He was this big burly guy mind you and I'm sure he could have snapped me in two but he just tried covering his nastiness up by justifying. I love it. Seriously if you don't wash your hands after you are in the most unsanitary place called a restroom we will have words. Heck I may just do my special song and hand dance to get it in your mind. Until that day you get my little ditty you can enjoy this video I found.
Well I have to run, I have to get ready some photos to show to the public
This week was the beginning of a very busy month for me. I was an assistant to an AMAZING local photographer that travels around the world for weddings (we did alot of his office catch up work and believe it or not I learned A WHOLE LOT!) Then we had the ward yard sale to benefit Primary Children's Hospital which covers medical bills and families that are there. Pennies by the Inch is the charity you should check it out. We managed to raise a little over $700! And then I made 2 trips to Vegas this week. One was to support a friend who is joining the local roller derby team, www.sincityrollergirls.com, we will be making trips ever Wednesday to attend and support Nicole in this adventure. The other was to hang out and support a friend who just moved there from here. Let's just say between getting off of work Friday at 1:30am Saturday and then waking up and starting the yard sale @ 6:00AM and then the trip to Vegas right after and arriving home at 3:30AM Sunday I am pooped. (man alive I used alot of 'ands' in that last line)
So enjoy the fun that covered last week...
I have been on the looks for a new suit and I found the one I want to purchase. If only I could come up with roughly $350 before the fall line leaves stores
The new way cops on the Vegas strip get around. Forget the peddle bikes
Do they really need to be that large. They are already frightening enough, I mean we already have thousands of those Nutri System commercials
Under the neon glow I had the ladies all to myself. Thanks Warren for not going with us and visiting your family instead, I had all the ladies to myself.
Look closely at the lower right corner. See them goggles! Bwhahahaha
Remember these pony tail holders ladies? We came across one of them at the yard sale. Mallory ended up leaving with it.
I bought Emily my coworker/hair-cuttin lady a 'Texas Doughnut' in thanks for covering my shift Thursday so I could assist the local photographer
At least she wasn't pointing at the crack that is a plus
I love the pictures of crazy looks found in Wal-Mart ;-)
First off this was the best General Conference I have seen so far in my life time. Maybe it had alot to do with the fact that I was actually coherent for a good 4 out of 5 sessions. Either way the talks were great! I also would say this is the best Conference season with the best Priesthood Session so far as well.
I managed to have a grand weekend and heck there are actually pictures to show for it!..
First off I went with a friend to see the directorial debut of Drew Barrymore, in the movie WHIP IT! SHE IS A GENIUS not to mention a total babe-a-rino.
All I can say is GO SEE IT! NOW! In fact drop what you are doing, unless you are holding a baby then take it with you, and go buy a ticket to it. I have a new found loved sport to watch and yes it is girls on skates. If only I could get the SONIC girls to derby it up when they bring my slushes.
Instead of hanging with mission buds (it turns out that several people from my ward were going to Salt Lake for reunions and I could have car pooled) I went and played games and ate root beer floats with friends. OHHH but earlier Friday I caught the double feature of Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in 3D, it should have been 3D all along! I had to blow up 100 balloons for a photo installment/project I am working on. Plus we were gonna put them under saran wrap on a friends car that was moving early Saturday AM. But by the time we finished playing this board game called QUELF, 2AM, we backed out.
Warren enjoyed the balloon attention ALOT. Rather amusing!
At one point in this bizarre board game of QUELF i had to continue playing the game with no hands and arms. It came to a point where I wanted a piece of gum, well Warren had to feed it too me. Not gonna lie, that was weird! I also had to have this piece of paper on my head that had a drawing of something from a medicine cabinant for the whole game. This game last 2.5 hours.
If we learned anything with the balloons it appears that we all had static cling issues
We have also had this AMAZING full moon weekend and it just screamed at me to take photos of it. So I did... We took some family photo's with this same style of work tonight but I am too tired to upload and processes them. So till then enjoy the above. Which has also led me to another idea of portrait and engagement shots. Keep an eye out in the future.
Whelp Sunday (today) finished off nicely. Went to the neighbors house, a friend of the family, for lunch between conference sessions and ended up watching the last session and the LDS movie about Sister Missionaries, 'Errand of Angels.'
I hope everyone else had a good weekend! This week begins a week of fun. I will have some crazy stuff to post during the week so keep on checking back. Feel free to comment on the night shots, I love to hear constructive ideas. ;-)