Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You Can Go Where You Wanna...

Boy did I do it to myself now!

I officially signed up for my first 5K today. I have never been a big runner, in fact I would say I only ran when Sydney Bristow would run... Stressed out times. However two weeks ago I made the mistake of tweeting a post to my facebook account on my awesome run for the day. 2.6 miles after not running for 3 months. Ok let me level with y'all. I did a lot of running mixed with walking, but I did it. After I posted the tweet I was notified by a friend of a 5K that was coming up soon. After doing a little research I learned that a 5K is only 3.1 miles.

Oh I got this in the bag :)

Today I ran 2 miles non stop with two fellow 5K runners!

I have learned though I have a new addiction... I can't stop thinking about running! I mean I want to get out and do another run right now. I'm like a crack addict I think. Although tomorrow is almost here and I can run again.

The big day is on Saturday, September 25th at 7am. I don't care about being the first person to cross the line in my age and sex group, I just want to run the whole thing and finish. And darn tootin I will do just that.

Besides it was only a $12 entry fee, only...



karlamsmith said...

Yay! Way to go. Running is one of those things where the sense of accomplishment is so big that people do it even if they don't LOVE it. That's why I do it. :)

Melissa Nickle, Owner of Blossom Sweet said...

Oh my gosh I love the Alias reference! It's my favorite show! I've been watching it all summer and I'm just starting the fifth season . . . :)

Elissa Stewart said...

One summer, all my roommates and I would make our apartment into a darkened cave and watch Alias. We all wanted to be cool like Syndey and kick some hard core A. You go kick that 5K hard core.

Rachel M. said...

WAY TO GO!!! PS LOVE Alias!!!