Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Don't Hate

I understand that the following video may get me A LOT of hate mail and such but you know what that is ok. I understand the views of the subject are very mixed and that while my faith does not condone the subject, I have always been taught that no matter what we are ALL still God's children and we CAN'T hate. You don't have to agree but you can't cast stones as YOU are not perfect and are not the final judge of this life.

I have known many gay and lesbian people in my life. They have always been kind to me and NEVER bashed me (even knowing I am L.D.S.). I have friends who have family members who are gay and or lesbian. I also have really good friends who are gay and would do anything for them like I would my straight friends. They are human too and shall be treated that way!

While I am also NOT supporting suicide I find it troubling that we live in a world where we treat others the way we do and cause grief on others. I find it troubling that in doing such said things, the victims sometimes only find it easier to end their lives. I hope you readers never have to have that grief on your heads and I as well hope to never feel it. I believe that while they will answer for their choices to end life early, in the end I believe ALL of us will answer for our actions to those and others we have harmed. I am by no means perfect and have done and said things in my youth that I would love to take back and have reached out to those I harmed, but I can't to all. I have to move forward and teach the younger to not follow in my past heinous ways.

Hate this post, hate me, or love me, but it's time we stop the verbal and physical abuse to those around us. You don't have to support the lifestyle that others live but YOU DO have to LOVE each other.

For you never know what those around you are struggling with. If anything keep that in mind.

(please feel free to leave any comment good or bad, I am interested to read)



A Simply Complex Life said...

While we may not agree with the choices others make, we in no way have the right to judge or ruin their lives. One of the main purposes to life is to exercise our free agency and hopefully learn to love those for who they are. I have 2 brothers that are gay and while I may not completely understand where they're coming from, it would never stop me from loving them. If anything, it has made it difficult for me to adequately express my love, for being LDS it does go against my beliefs. The Savior said it best when he told us to love the sinner but hate the sin. Many of you don't see same gender attraction as a sin and that's okay. But for those of us who do, I hope we can still find the good in the person and love them for who they are, not what they do.

Melissa Nickle, Owner of Blossom Sweet said...

I agree with everything. I am a Mormon and am very active in and open about my faith. And, I have a lot of gay friends. My gay friends and I don't agree with one another's beliefs, but we show respect towards each other. They know what I believe, and they are okay with it BECAUSE they know while I don't condone their lifestyle, I also don't judge them, and I love them regardless.

leinani45 said...

I recently got into a discussion about this. After I responded twice, and people still had hurtful and angry comments to rebut what I said, I decided to stop. (maybe I shouldn't have started in the first place...) However, I do want to say: You don't have to believe what I believe. You don't have to agree with my faith. However, I do ask that you respect my beliefs and my faith. I have never condoned or encouraged the bullying and persecution of anyone. Tolerance and love are needed to solve this problem..but unfortunately, it doesn't seem like there is a lot of it out there. :( I tried to express MY love for all of my friends who are gay, and it was thrown back into my face as spiteful and condescending. Maybe one day I won't be judged for what I believe...and I will continue to love matter what. :)

Unknown said...

I too have lost friends that 'thought' they 'should' be ashamed of being gay/lesbian. For whether they were in fear of 'judgment' 'retaliation' or denial of family/friends/loved ones. My best friend from childhood, Kieshla, who was not merely lesbian, but a PERSON, A HUMAN-BEING, unfortunately she 'decided' to 'disappear' one day. Again, unfortunately, I do not know exactly why, for, for some persons in her 'position', 'they' choose to not express 'their' feelings in fear of what I would imagine to be denied or expelled. I am not her 'Judge' nor yours & you are not mine. I loved her regardless, as a person, as a friend. She was found, sometime later, in the mountains, by a hunter, shot & deceased, by her own hands. I miss her. I just don't get some people in this world, if you do not agree with a persons personal lifestyle, simply do not be part of that persons life. Problem solved. Live & let Live. I believe that 'it' does not matter who you are, what gender/race you are, what sexual preference you have, what religion that you do or do not believe in, as long as you are a good person and do not 'press' your choices in life & do not intentionally cause harm to others, 'you' deserve to be 'here' as much as the next creation. I do loose my temper (FOR I AM HUMAN) but I can NOT imagine killing or having hatred towards someone for they're 'personal choices' that DO NOT effect me, unless I choose to let it effect me. (FOR I AM HUMAN) No matter what you may choose in life, a good person is a good person & a bad person, well, is just not a good person. The good thing is that people change, hopefully the 'ignorant' ones. We have to start somewhere & we ALL have a 'choice'. "One Life, One World, Much Love." Be KIND & SHARE IT, Please & Thank you...XXX...Slugger Joe.

Nancy Seaman said...

An old lady's point of view...It is hard to watch and be careful about comments made in a "jokeing way" The Golden Rule has never gone out of style. Thanks Andrew, for some great insights.

Chris said...

I think anything that can help prevent suicides and give people hope is encouraging.

Unfortunately, "It Gets Better" is just a collection of words, and I declined to participate in one when I was asked because I didn't want to join in the chorus when I didn't believe what I was saying.

The truth of the business is more accurately stated:

"It MIGHT get better. And it might get worse. It can get better if you live in certain areas, have a certain type of family, and are of a certain color and background. It might get better if you have access to enough money, wear the right labels, and like the right music. It may get easier if your political proclivities are as they should be. It gets better if you were born with the right physical features, go to the gym enough, and fit a standard. Otherwise, it's a long road. But for right now, 'it gets better' ought to do. Just don't call us on it in ten years."