Saturday, October 30, 2010

In Preparation

In preparation to be a zombie one must scoop mud off the side of the road and gather sagebrush. Next gather liquid latex and blood purchased from your local supermarkets. Take a cheese grater and run it over your clothing. I recommend not grating your hands as a trip to the ER will hinder the events of the night. Unless you can go a few hours without a doctor visit, then by all means your way more authentic and deserve a pile of jello-molded brains.

For an even better effect consult Lady Gaga for the maker of the meat dress, any scraps they may have will help in construction of stench.

Happy stumbles ghouls!


1 comment:

Elissa Stewart said...

Um, I once grated my thumb when using a cheese grater and refused to grate cheese for 6 months after. I think becoming a real zombie would be the only thing to truly cure me of that trauma.