Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dance on Your Floors

'My Only Wish'
-Jessica Simpson

For my final posting for today.  (Three in one day that is record for me fewwww.)

Last week Nicole and I attended that Sin City Roller Girls roller disco event down in Vegas like old times. (They used to host it at the Rain nighclub at the Palms but since it has moved over to The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel Casino) Being friends and working with the roller girls has it's perks as we did not have to pay a cover for the club and were on the list.

I like being on a list.

I opted out from skating with the rest of the fun people so that I could take photo's.  I did not bring my work camera as I wasn't on the media list so I just stuck to the trusty cell phone and used a trusty app called 'Vignette.'  If you have an android based phone I must tell you to get the app.  It's worth the freeness of it.

Here are the shots from the night.

Favorite Shot #1 (above)

Favorite shot #2 (above)

Favorite Shot #3 (above)

Favorite Shot #4 (above)

I'd love to hear your thoughts on these please.

It's nice to once in a while shoot photos that are not on a specific assignment or job and things that I want to shoot.  It helps keeps me creative and fresh.

'Time of the Season'
-Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan


1 comment:

Elissa Stewart said...

Fun shots. How big can you blow them up before they get too pixelated? (And why isn't the word pixelated in the dictionary yet?)