Monday, October 3, 2011

Good Times to Be Had

It's interesting the things your learn about people.  I  invest to much time into friendships that are just social encounters and not friendships.  I am a firm believer that you can tell a true friend by the amount of miles you have between you and the amount of communication and interest that fills that distance...  One of my best friends has lived in the same town as me, different countries and states and yet we have never grown apart. 

When you live in the high school world you think the number of friends means something.  Heck even in the Facebook world we live in today we think the number of friends means how cool we are.  But I have learned as you get older that number isn't important.  Your best friends are first your family, then the other people.  I am grateful for my family above all but so grateful for the friends that I can call friends in my older years.  Sorry to all those that are just social encounters, it's nothing personal, but we just never had it...

 Oh and on a side note:  Judging me by friends and/or associations then calling yourself my friend is so far from the truth.  Thanks but I don't need that negative energy in my life.


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