Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hey Gov. Sanford Who is the Laugher?

So today South Carolina Governor Sanford held a press conference in which he admitted where he had been over the last weekend when no one seemed to know where he was. To sum it up he had been having an affair with a woman from Argentina. Stupid guy is all I say but the press conference left more questions. I wont be posting the conference video on here but I am posting photos of the best moment of the day. Which led to more questions. Simply who in the heck was behind the governor during this speech? I mean this woman was laughing it up during the whole thing...

Here is the best line from the press conference/ This whole things was a circus is all I got to say.
" is indeed to protect us from our selfs, and the biggest self of selfs it is indeed self..."
-Gov. Sanford

I'm still laughing! ;-D

The next post will be the last part of my trip I promise.


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