Saturday, April 3, 2010

They Tell Me...

I receive these daily emails from and how happy most of them make me. Well here is the word from April 1st (by the way I am saddened that NOT 1 person attempted to prank me. I am hurt)... Rick Rolled Reflex

It led me to the term of Rick Roll, which I never once heard or experienced.

I won't 'rick roll' you all I'll just post the video that the Urban Dictionary talks about. However this leads a whole new idea to me...

Oh and remember when VH1 did that awesome show called, "Pop Up Video"? Well this video is from that show so enjoy the classic and laughs that tie with it...

You have to click the link as I can't embed the video on my blog..

Funny stuff huh!


1 comment:

leinani45 said...

I just want to say that I happen to REALLY like that video, so you can Rick Roll me any time! lol. Also--I totally forgot about that particular pop up vid. CLASSIC!