Thursday, May 13, 2010

You Know the Ball Pit at Mc Donalds?

Yup that is the true statement of all things around me! I'm not complaining at all, I tend to attract commotion and chaos. However I don't rely upon it. (Ann you can't say anything about that :-P)

I have a lot going on as mentioned in my past posting. I still haven't heard back if I am to photograph next weekends Sin City Roller Girl bout, but I am still hopeful that all is still set for that. Yeah if I forgot to mention that I was asked to photograph the upcoming bout for the Sin City Roller Girls as one of the normal photographers will be gone that weekend.

Work over at the Ruby has still been laying on the stories of joy and frustrations. I also have a supply of many notes left for me on receipts by customers. All of them are great! I do have one bad one and it makes me laugh. I save all them, good and bad. They all make me laugh anymore. I fully understand that I wont be stuck there longer than needs be, as long as I don't stall and drag my feet. When things get real rough there I go back and think about this amazing little old couple that comes in only when I am working there. They actually ask for my schedule for the next week so they can come when I am there and sit in my section. I just love them. The husband wears the classic flannel shirts with occasional cardigan while the wife wears these outrageously large sun hats that hide her awesomely huge glasses. Seriously they are rocking trendy and should be featured on the Sartorialist blog.

Things with ARG IMAG Photography have been good. I sometimes feel like a marketing hooker.

I sure don'e feel like a hooker though when I get done so that is the plus side and people aren't afraid that I will give them a disease. Although I sometimes wonder if my prices and the same as a real hookers prices. I'll make sure to ask next time I see one in real life though.

I sure hope everyone saw the Betty White SNL episode last week. It was seriously the funniest thing I have seen in a longggg time. All I have to say is "muffins" and, "...and the tiny people wont be orange. They'll be freaky hispanic & chinese dudes!"

And finally the new Betta fish is doing much better than the first one. If I never mentioned it my Betta that I had the name contest for died after a few weeks. It turned out from all my research that he wasn't sick. He was just depressed. Yeah, depressed, that is what I said. With the depression they starve themselves. My new guy eats like a hog. Plus he does tricks for me! (Seriously I did not mean for this posting to have so many hooker references).

I guess that is a sign I must go for now.

(oh and for those that ask my mother, two brothers and sister are doing well)


1 comment:

leinani45 said...

lol. I like that the whole post is about whoring. ;) Well done. lol