Sunday, June 21, 2009


So i am taking a break from the last post of my two week Super Sized Trip to Georgia to post something real important.

As many of you that are breathing probably know there is a bad thing going on right now over in Iran. First off I would like to say that I am grateful to be living in a country where we have the ability to have the freedom of speech and protest the things we feel are unjust. Heck back when I was in High School I was a very loud liberal person that protested Burger King to offer better treatment of their animals in the slaughter houses. Not being afraid to post fliers and hand info out was a is a great privilege we have here in the States. It is very sad that many others can't experience this same freedom.

There has been much death and hate all around this world but one event that took place over in Iran this past Saturday struck me as more of a reason to be grateful for the freedoms I have here in the U.S.

(I do warn this video is slightly graphic and does have images of blood)

I just hope that many of you understand what we have
and to not forget it either.
I feel so bad for Neda and the people of Iran.


PS: The green font is to show support to Iran protesters.


Amysthoughts said...

Wow. That is terrible.

Kris and Danielle Ramsay said...

It truly is a shame. How great is it to live in the country we do and have the freedom that we have. This made me appreciate my life more. Thank you Gawdun for opening my eyes!!