Monday, September 28, 2009

Macy Gray's 'Dancing with the Stars' Audition.

For those who follow my Twitter and Facebook updates you already know that this has been the week from H-E-double hockey sticks. Actually for the kind of week I have had I would simply put it...'THE WEEK FROM HELL!' But alas I did not come to discuss this week, that will be saved for my next post and it will have pictures for proof. I managed to catch the movie 'FAME' this week in the midst of trial and strife, no not the new one but the original 80's version. I say skip it but really the only good scene from the movie was the one I share with you below. I'm most positive that the girl in it is my favorite singer Macy Grays sister or something fierce like that . Prepare to laugh as it was truly my only saving grace of joy this week. I'm thinking with a girl in my ward to learn this and present it for the Tri-Ward talent show complete with croche (sp?) shirt. Enjoy! ;-)

So what your saying is you want me to present this to the ward show, huh? LOL



Nancy Seaman said...

We love the original FAme movie and tv show. We watched each week as a family gathered around the tv. "Leroy" the dancer in the video was extraordinary. He became on of the tv regulars.

The Sauls Family said...

FAME! I'm gonna live forever....

Good times.

Elissa Stewart said...

Oh. My. Gosh. That's all I'm going to say.