Monday, January 11, 2010

C'est Super Cool!

And the news you want on Paris.

So as most of you know I assist a local photographer once in a while here in town on different projects. I have learned a LOT when it comes to the things he is doing at each event I have been on. Well last Tuesday I was informed by two people that I may have a good photo chance with them. While I was getting ready for work I also got a text from the photographer that said... "Paris, 23, interested?"

I noticed the text on my way to work so I text him back with only one word... "What?"

I was unsure what he meant so I made it to work and was asking around if there was a Paris, UT thinking that is what he meant. I heard back from him and he needs an assistant on a wedding shoot in Paris, France from the 21-24 of January. YEAH!!!! I KNOW!!!!! EXCITING!!!! I was so super excited that he would ask me to help on it. I text him back that I would need to look at some things and I would get back to him. I would have to pay my way (almost $2,000) but the big kicker that got me made me turn it down was the fact that I don't own a passport yet. Funny how back in December I felt that I need to get one as soon as possible this year. So right after work I went and got the paper work to apply for mine.

I wont lie I am super sad I had to turn this down but I told him that on the next help he needs with a trip shoot to let me know and I should be able to go as I should have my passport by then.

I HAVE NEVER BEEN GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY LIKE THIS BEFORE, This year has been turning out on the most part to be sooooooooo smashing,.. minus a little glitch I experienced towards the end of last week. (if you want the details you have to call me for them, they wont be posted).

But I must trickle down the road I just got off Skype with a friend in Reno who I haven't spoken to in a few months and I am beat so bed time it is.



Susan said...

What an opportunity! Even to be asked to go is super! Your talent is showing up in places you never dreamed it would... and to know I can say " I knew you when...ahhhh, what a blessing! "

leinani45 said...

That is AMAZING!!!! Wow... I'm like super proud you're my friend right now. ;) Can't say I'm surprised though. You are super talented, and therefore deserve every chance out there! :)